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NASA Meatball NASA Dryden Dryden People banner
NACA Muroc Staff of 1949 at NACA barbecue NACA Muroc Staff of 1949 at NACA barbecue

Photo Number: E49-00236
Photo Date: November 1949

Formats: 558x480 JPEG Image (80 KBytes)
1190x1024 JPEG Image (464 KBytes)
3030x2606 JPEG Image (3,680 KBytes)

Description: On a nice day in November 1949 the NACA High-Speed Flight Station employees enjoy a break from a week of research by attending a barbecue on the Rawliegh Duntley ranch. The food was excellent and the camaraderie with friends and family members was welcome. Games were played with the winners applauded--fun for everyone before the start of another week.

Keywords: Dryden People; NACA High-Speed Flight Station; Rawliegh Duntley

Last Modified: February 6, 2002
Responsible NASA Official: Marty Curry
Curator: PAO Webmasters

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